Monday 19 February 2024 12:00p-1:00p Lewis Hall Auditorium: Brown Bag Q&A with graduate students: Navigating Academia as an International Student and Achieving Professional Success in the US
- Monday 19 February 2024 4:00p-5:30p Bondurant C006: Public Lecture Mediating the Colonial Other in the German Empire. This presentation focuses on Imperial Germany’s efforts at mediating nationalism and colonialism through popular literature in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Using some of the most-read materials by German speakers at this time, we briefly explore specific examples that construct and blend colonialism with nationalism during Germany’s colonial project.
Peter Ogunniran is Assistant Professor in the Department of German and Russian at Williams College, Massachusetts. He began his graduate school journey at The University of Mississippi, from where he graduated with a Master’s degree in Modern Languages in 2017. He holds a Doctorate degree in German and Comparative Literature, and a graduate certificate in Higher Education Administration from Washington University in Saint Louis. His research interests include German colonial history, literature and legacy, visual and print culture, Afro-German studies, and nationalism and public media.
Sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages and the Office of Global Engagement—International Student and Scholar Services